Kaique Gomess profil

Campaign Design | Café Journal & Ekko

Project Overview
This campaign was a creative collaboration between the Café Journal restaurant and Ekko, aimed at promoting a Special Fondue Offer for both savory and sweet fondue delights. As part of the Ekko team, which specializes in enhancing customer engagement and loyalty through digital platforms, I was tasked with the design of table displays. These displays were strategically placed within the restaurant to catch the eye of diners and inform them about the exclusive fondue offer available through the Ekko app.

Impact and Deliverables
This collaboration between Café Journal and Ekko illustrates the power of strategic partnership and targeted promotion in driving customer engagement and enhancing dining experiences. By leveraging Ekko's digital platform and creative capabilities, we successfully introduced a compelling promotional campaign that resonated with diners, elevating their experience and fostering a sense of exclusivity and anticipation around the fondue night event.


Campaign Design | Café Journal & Ekko


Campaign Design | Café Journal & Ekko

Display de mesa produzido para uma campanha do Café Journal em parceria com o aplicativo Ekko
