Unchartered Tutoring's profile

Corporate Web Design and Programing

A major overhaul of the company brand was ten years overdue, including a logo.  The website is the culmination of those efforts.  After reviewing the competitions’ most recent website developments and meta tags and implementing a new logo, I proposed new information architecture, voice, interface, design and SEO strategy.  In addition to the traditional marketing, design and UI/UX responsibilities, I re-wrote the entire copy, selected or created images for the site, and handled both front-end and back-end development. I also rebuilt website meta tags using new SEO/SEM strategy, technology, & techniques. While not my personally favorite design, the client was thrilled and overall visits were increased while bounces decreased, which is what matters.
Original Website
A flow-chart of the original company web-site and a compairson of competitor web-sites and which links were most accessible on their index/first page.
Sitemap Draft 1
My first thoughts to re-organize our page to use an information archetecture similar to our competitors.
Final Sitemap
This is the final sitemap for the website.  Items with solid lines were intended to be part of the first release, and those with dotted would come after.  The icons served as a "short-hand" for the content to be represented.  They were designed for other purposes, namely the "Experience Book" and continue to represent the services today, though they have been reduced in number. 
Client Inspiration
The client liked BlackBerry and Sony's websites the best, so they served as the primary design inspiration for the final website. 
Thumbnail Sketches
The one on the left was the favored thumbnail. 
Content Development
The design required 3 serves to be highlighted in the middle of the page.  This is our first discussion regarding what those services should be.
At this point, we narrowed down what services should be highlighted and the content that should be represented on the "tabs."
This is a sketch, created in Photoshop, of what I thought the page could look like, with some basic content developed.  This sketch was what made the client say "yes."
An alternative content page showing the sketch revised with the new logo I designed and implemented in the mean-time.  
An alternative content page showing the sketch revised with the new logo I designed and implemented in the mean-time.  I was awaiting purchase of the final images during this time period.
An alternative content page showing the sketch revised with the new logo I designed and implemented in the mean-time.  I was awaiting purchase of the final images during this time period.
Final Website
The tabs were made darker because they appeared disjointed with the dark background. Sidebar images were chosen from an illustration I created a long time ago. 
I was still waiting on client go-ahead to purchase stock images and take it live on their server, but all code had been implemented and functioned correctly. 
Website Today
Corporate Web Design and Programing

Corporate Web Design and Programing

Client requested a website re-design. I wrote the text, did the layout, programing and designed the icons. Some of the "main" images I created, o Read More
