Profil appartenant à Kenji Chai

Kenji Chai x Nippon Pylox

It is very honor to work with Nippon Pylox paint. And it was a an interesting project and with vast meaning. I was very happy that they accepted my idea that streetart not nessesary on bottom wall but also can potrait as a flying bird. As you can see in the video, the plot of the video tells how I realised a boyhood dream by translating into a wall. More like inspiration and encouragement young people to pursue their dream. Be brave, believe in yourself and you can do it! Also it was challenging on the acting part but luckily i made it through even is not easy for me with multiple times of NG.
Video "The Boyhood Dream"
Work in Progress
Kenji Chai x Nippon Pylox
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Kenji Chai x Nippon Pylox

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