Michael Tribone 的個人檔案

Samvera Connect 2018 - Poster

Conference poster for Samvera Connect 2018 at The University of Utah. Samvera Connect is a chance for the Samvera community to gather in one place at one time, with an emphasis on synchronizing efforts, technical development, plans, and community links. The community is centered around open source software that is created and used by cultural institutions, like museums and libraries, to store, preserve, and share information and resources to the public and for research.

The idea for the poster was to use The University of Utah as the backdrop or base, since they are a Samvera partner and the host, and layer our projects and work on top. The work that we do is shared back with the community, so that motivated the transparent rectangle overlapping the Wasatch Mountains. We kept the Penn State University Libraries mark on the same level as the U in the Wasatch Mountains to illustrate that the two institutions are equals in the community.

The creator object was a pretty big deal for ScholarSphere. Creators are no longer strings and are full Ruby on Rails objects that connect to more content. We're moving the binaries off of one system to another for better performance.

Cultural Heritage Objects is being driven by user needs and requirements and accessibility principles. We've adopted progressive enhancement development and are creating UI-related tasks and workflows to match current librarian workflows and needs. CSV import of data and bags of data are pretty important workflow models for librarians.
Samvera Connect 2018 - Poster


Samvera Connect 2018 - Poster
