Profil użytkownika „Lidia Varesco Racoma”

Entrepreneur Branding & Marketing Materials

Branding & Marketing Materials

Started by a wellness coach, Tribe Wellness needed branding and marketing to support their mission of creating healthy families. My client was drawn to the Tree of Life—a traditional symbol of interconnectedness—so that became my design inspiration for the logo. While creating the logo, I also kept in mind the three components of their wellness program, so that related program icons could be created. Tribe Wellness grew into an active community for wellness-minded families.

Branding & Logo
Program Icons & Workbook
Leave-behind Marketing Pieces
“Lidia did so much more for my new business than designing a logo and marketing materials. She actually brought it to life!
Her expertise and insightful ideas created an entire brand image for Tribe Wellness. Couldn’t have done it without her!”
Entrepreneur Branding & Marketing Materials


Entrepreneur Branding & Marketing Materials
