Learning where the children are
Concerts Norway travels the country, performing around 10,000 concerts a year, but each schoolchild experiences them only twice a year. The ambition for the organization was therefore to expand its impact and be present in the lives of schoolchildren for the remaining 363 days a year.

Concerts Norway came to Creuna with just a general description of its needs, and the exciting collaboration started with a blank sheet. Their goal was to create a music universe so fun that the children would use it for free. It had to be both free of charge and of high quality - in addition to being so educational that music teachers could use it in the classroom.

An extensive music game
The result was Lyderia, a MMOMMG (Massively Multiplayer Online Music Making Game) for 10-12 year-olds (5-7th graders) and their teachers. With Lyderia on their smartphone, tablet or desktop, children and youngsters can make hip-hop with Don Martin, remix famous songs, and create their own music. 

Lyderia allows the children to create, share and stay together about music experiences. The game gives teachers tools to control and measure activity in the class. Users can choose from many different missions on several levels. They can compose their own songs, break codes, watch inspirational videos, and solve tasks both online and physically. The game is free for the user, and Concerts Norway themselves create the content.

Strengthened position
Concerts Norway have gotten a platform where they can use their skills and exercise their mandate - and have strengthened their position, ahead of a major reorganization.
School students in Norway have gotten a game that takes them, and their digital life, seriously. Music teachers have got a good digital tool for teaching, as they can adapt themselves to the students' level. Lyderia is the first step in what can become a big "Kulturia", with space for all the artforms. What we have seen with Lyderia so far, is just the beginning.

