Profil von Lisa Clapper

HubPages Brand Strategy & Expression

Opening up a World
I collaborated with Beth Sutro to help HubPages, an online content community, define and express who they are. A small, family run company, they are one of the largest websites in the world with over 50 million visitors a month. But we wouldn’t have known that. Neither would you. Neither would even their most loyal customers.
You might end up there searching for a great perspective on going to Disneyland with your kids, but you might not even know you’re on HubPages. A big part of HubPages is their small but passionate community of members who create articles, interact and support each other. With this dual audience, part of it hyper involved and a large part of it unaware, how could we find a common ground? Through research with the internal team and community members and a fair amount of iteration, we landed on the simple truth that HubPages ‘Opens up your World.’ In addition to the brand positioning, we also created key messaging for the website to express it and landed on a tagline that expresses quite literally the brand promise: Discover. Create. Connect. Open up your world.
As we speak, the site is being redesigned to bring this to life. It's a work in progress and you can see a few of the highlights here.
About HubPages, the whole thing is here
This is the topics page, where you can learn explore topics and hubs (articles, videos and such)
What's a Hub and how do I create one? More and more faq if you're interested (the fine work of far more technical people than I)
who is HubPages? Trust me, they're pretty awesome people.
they're so call you might want to work there
or write for them, go for it, personally, I just write about them, I leave the cool stuff to the awesome and varied Hubbers of the world.
HubPages Brand Strategy & Expression

HubPages Brand Strategy & Expression

I collaborated with Beth Sutro to help HubPages, an online content community, define and express who they are. They are one of the largest websit Mehr anzeigen
