Compared to the other EU countries this American BBQ maker has the lowest market share in the Netherlands and want to increase sales.
Analysis of market share and target audience buying motivation. Key findings; Dutch BBQ culture has high seasonality due to the weather. They only use their BBQ on average 4x a year
I have created a concept for a 4 season cross media campaign
Promo BBQ special poncho
Concept themes;
“Maxima-al voordeel”
“Royaal genieten met de Queen Weber BBQ”
Summer camping campaign
Concept theme;
“Weber BBQ gaat overal mee naar toe”
Boy holding his Weber BBQ instead of his teddy
Start of Winter campaign
Concept themes;
“Er is altijd een reden voor een Weber Party”
“Sneeuw/winter is geen BBQ bederver”
“Zelfs in de winter wordt BBQ-en een feest!”
Weber four season pitch 2013
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Weber four season pitch 2013

Compared to the other EU countries this American BBQ maker has the lowest market share in the Netherlands and want to increase sales.

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