Design website Vissers Wagens
Website design, coding (html,css,php), photography + retouching in Photoshop
I coded a simple carrousel script to enhance the experience of a digital showroom, kicking off with the Mercedes S320.
The Vissers Wagens website was created to showcase and sell exclusive cars from a personal collection of my client which is a true car fanatic. The intention was to make enough profit able to invest in new cars.
All cars have been taken extremely well care and are in mint/near-mint condition.

To make the website look like a showroom I choose to keep the background clean and sterile with a suggestion of a back wall. The shadows below the cars are handdrawn to prevent the cars from 'floating around'.

For the navigation I choose to code an endless carrousel effect with the backup of a simple horizonal menu on top (for quick navigation). The webpages were constructed in a specific way to make this possible and easy to implement with SEO in mind.
I wouldn't mind to take this 300ZX twin turbo for a spin ...
The photoshoot was a great experience. Actually it was my first project-based shoot ever, so I was a little nervous, but in the end all went well. It was an exciting experience to capture these beautiful cars on 'film'.

Afterwards, unwanted reflections of the surroundings and the backgrounds were removed in Photoshop and the pictures were slightly tweaked to improve the lightning.
Website Vissers Wagens

Website Vissers Wagens

Creation of an online showroom for exclusive cars (occasions). The job included webdesign, coding and photography.
