Profiel van Daphne d'Achard

Flying umbrella’s / a rainy day 2010

Brief; ‘Create an interactive installation without the use of a mouse or a keyboard.’
I found my inspiration in the small feelings that make you happy, and feel protected. I thought of umbrellas; the sound of the rain makes you feel relaxed, and the umbrella makes you feel protected from the weather. This idea quickly evolved to ‘thought’ umbrellas.
Every person has a different preference to an umbrella design, and I’ve found out that this is strongly related to stereotype target groups and subcultures. I created an installation with several different umbrellas’ hanging in space. Each umbrella has a hidden sound system that plays a sound sample when opened.  When you open an umbrella, you step into the thoughts of the stereotype of the subculture that comes with the design of the umbrella. The sound samples are all very dark and emotional, so the person feels protected from the rain but never from thoughts.
Flying umbrella’s / a rainy day 2010

Flying umbrella’s / a rainy day 2010

An installation with several different umbrellas’ hanging in space.
