We follow the desires, the choices of a woman, symbolized by her hands.
Through her dynamic and surprising actions, the objects and the decor of the film are transformed.
Color schemes, transitions evolve from a white monochrome atmosphere
to a red and white universe to finally reveal the bottle “Si Passione“.
For this film, we used the principle of “Flat Lay“: a staging where a selection of objects is arranged on a set and filmed in top view.

The action is performed by hands that manipulate the objects, transform them and thus change the scenery and history. We designed a decor and a specific frame, consisting of accessories, leather goods, fashion pieces and cosmetics.
These different stagings allow us to evoke the universe and the codes specific to the fragrance, based on the passage from white to red.

Executive Creative Director: I-REEL // //
Producers: Henri Hayon, Alain Laurans
Project Management: Joanna Brunet

Director:  Simon Ravet
Creative Director: Alain Laurans

Director of Photography: Christophe Graillot
Assistant Camera: Bruno Jean - Kevin Lieber
Gaffer: Christophe Alaphilippe
VFX Supervisor On Set : Henri Hayon
Set Designer: Géraldine Agasse; Joanna Brunet
Stylist: Géraldine Agasse
Make-up Artist: Bénédicte Trouvé

3D Artists : Bruno Jean
Compositor : Emilie Nicolast, Simon Ravet

Music & Sound Design: Superpose Studio
