Un viticultor de la Ribera del Duero se encuentra con una magnífica cosecha, esta genera un gran excedente de uva que le es imposible vender. Es cuando decide invertir y fundar Bodega 99 para producir su vino de forma comercial y así dar salida al excedente de uva de ese año.
La primera linea de vinos jóvenes de esta joven bodega tiene como nombre HARTO DE VINO, hace referencia al origen de la creación de la bodega y busca mediante el humor y la ironía atraer la atención del público al que va dirigido.

A Ribera del Duero (Spain) vine grower made a wonderful harvest with a huge excess of grapes which he found impossible to sell. At that moment, he decided to make an investment and founded the winery Bodega 99. His aim was to produce his own wine in a commercial way and make use of that excess of grapes. It was the beginning of a business adventure. 
The first line of young wines from this recently created winery was named HARTO DE VINO after a Spanish expression which means having drunk too much wine. The name of the brand refers to the origin of the winery and tries to attract the target audience’s attention by using humor and irony.

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