Self Reflection
Concept Note
This project was a project I did in my first year of college. At the time I wasn't really aware of who I was as a person and where I belonged. Making this really helped me express the emotions I was going through. 
The project was given to us with an aim to help increase our knowledge with respect to the possibilities design had to offer. As part of our research we were introduced to artists like DaVinci, Salvador Dali, Rembrandt, René Magritte, Paula Scher, Andy Warhol and many more. 
The themes governing this project are Confusion, Sadness, Juxtaposition, Inner Turmoil and Wonder. 
The artists influencing the style of the creative  are Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol and Picasso. 
The blue resembles the inner sadness and curiosity my personality exhibits while the black, shades of grey and white bring a sense of depth to the artwork. 

Self Reflection
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Self Reflection

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