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Team Rocket in Real Life

Team Rocket in Real Life


Category:Visual Identity
Designer:陳品丞 Chen Ping-Chen


在2016年手機遊戲Pokémon Go推出時,喚起了我小時候對於神奇寶貝(精靈寶可夢)的喜愛,於是我又將第一世代的動畫重看了一遍。長大以後,了解到社會上的善惡並非如此分明,因此對於劇中反派「火箭隊」的設定有了不同的感悟:「火箭隊」是「邪不勝正」信仰下的祭品。因此,看到他們鬥志高昂地登場、我們就能知道他們即將傷痕累累地退場。基於政治正確及教育意義,他們是「不可以成功」的。然而,正因為這樣的設定,他們從不放棄的精神反而傻得令我感動。這一次失敗了,下一次仍然華麗地登場、充滿自信地說出宣言。




When mobile game Pokémon Go was launched in 2016, my childhood zeal for Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) was immediately rekindled, so I revisited the first Pokémon anime series. Now that I am an adult, I realize the right/wrong binary morality does not apply to the real world, thus I have a different interpretation of the villains “Team Rocket:” They are actually the victims of the “justice always wins” ideology. Every time we see them appear in high spirits, we know they will end up in a heavy defeat. For the sake of political correctness and educational purposes, success for them is NEVER an option. However, with that rule in mind, their persistence is so silly it touches my heart. A defeat does not stop them from reappearing again and again all glorious and pompous while hollering their motto with full confidence.

For me, “Team Rocket” is truer to real life and more educational.
They are sly but diligent, sneaky yet candid, which is exactly why they are charming—they embody both good and evil, they are ordinary and complex just like us. None of us is the “protagonist” in the society; we stagger and stumble, we want to be recognized, we work so hard in pursuit of “Pikachu,” the symbol of correctness and success belonging exclusively to the “protagonists.”

Considering their situation, I want to offer a “fairer” perspective on them via “realization,” i.e. by imaging what if “Team Rocket” were real. Thanks to my work, I have plenty of mockup materials, so I created some visual identity designs inspired by the visual identity, motto and stories of “Team Rocket.”

Team Rocket in Real Life

Team Rocket in Real Life

Team Rocket in Real Life(現實中的火箭隊)
