互動設計 | ReUnit

Make your own mountain, and let's go skiing together!
【 ReUnit 】
Re 重新、Unit 最小單元——重新解構最小單元
Re, Unit——Reshape the smallest unit
【 緣 起 構 想 Origin 】
The interaction design in the past, most of the effect we see is virtual or on the other screen after manipulating.
We want to create a new interactive experience for users to touch the material, which we made, actually and see the result immediately by eyes from the material, instead of from other equipment or screen.
【 設 計 概 念 Concept 】
    《ReUnit》為一個跨領域設計的互動體驗裝置,體驗者對「 布紙布 」動手創造出屬於自己的山,
"ReUnit" is an interdisciplinary interactive installation. Users make their own mountain by the "paper" which we made, and we project the image directly on the mountain to create a stress-relieving as well as having an educational meaning interactive experience.

Users will make the mountain in reality, and the mountain will be deconstructed in the virtual space. Using the principle of reflection to capture the path which users make, and project the characters on the mountain at the same time. So the images can be presented in reality as well as in the virtual space.
【 互 動 流 程 Steps 】
造山 make mountain - 拿起雪球 pick up the snow ball- 滑雪 ski - 送上主世界 represented in the main world
【 互 動 技 術 方 法 及 運 用 Technical application  】
為此我們使用了Unity、Processing、Kinect、Arduino 這幾個不同的軟體硬體來作組合。
"ReUnit" is an installation which combines projection, programming, visual design and interaction. In order to make this project, we utilize the software and hardware such as Unity, Processing, Kinect and Arduino.
Using the infrared of Kinect to catch the number of depth; Processing is used for analyzing the image; Arduino is responsible for giving feedback, and using Unity to display the images and match the images with the mountain.
即 時 互 動 體 驗 
Users can directly see the effects on the mountain by applying the technique of image recognition and projection mapping.
虛 實 空 間 轉 換 
The mountain which users make can be represented in the virtual space by utilizing the infrared and programming. 
布 紙 布 About the new material 】
世界萬物最簡單的原型 - 點 線 面,由最簡單的點連成線,線組成最小單位的三角面
解構 三角面 開發出的特殊媒材「 布紙布 」
Everything in the world can be deconstructed into dot, line and phase, and we use this concept to create a new material called "布紙布".

We hope users can reach the best experience from the interaction, so we have tried many different arrangements of triangle and materials. In the end, we decided to use one kind of cloth to strengthen the flexibility of the material and put the many little magnets into it to let mountain can be made easier.
 【 設 計 風 格 
Low Poly角色風格與新媒材的紙張為同一個出發點,並呼應作品名ReUnit重新再造的概念,
以Low poly作為主要的風格設計及串連整個作品。
We use the style of low poly to match our concept of ReUnit.
【 角 色 設 計 Character design 
 【 展 場 設 計 setting design
展場配置圖 / 展桌配置圖 / 空間示意圖 / 實際空間圖
【 製 作 團 隊 Team 】
何佳泓 Ho, Chia-Hung / 程式設計 programming、企劃 planning、整合 integration
蔡昀靜 Tsai, yun-ching / 視覺美術 visual art、影片 video production、企劃 planning、裝置流程 user process design
侯棣容 Hou, Ti-Jung / 3D角色建模 3D modelling、動畫 3D animation、企劃 planning
張家齊Chang, Chia-Chi / 空間設計 setting design、實體裝置設計 Material design、企劃 planning
【 展 覽 地 點 Exhibition】
✔ 2018高雄放視大賞  Vision Get Wild Award 2018
✔ #Hashtag 三校聯展  #Hashtag, Joint-school Design Graduate Exhibition 2018
✔ DigiBlock Taipei NEXT 數位創新未來
第十四屆雅典數位藝術節 Athens DigitalArts Festival
【 入 圍 項 目 】
2018 高雄放視大賞 跨媒體設計類 入圍賞
ADAF 雅典數位藝術節 第十四屆 入圍賞
【 展 覽 紀 錄 Record 】
✔ 3場展場、共10天展期
✔ 造山體驗 突破1000座
✔ 累積滑雪次數 近15000次
✔ 展覽曝光度 破10000人次
【 粉 絲 專 頁 Fan page 】
互動設計 | ReUnit