Anne Schourup-Kristensen's profile

4. Carbon emission by flight map (MA)

Work from 2010-2012 MA in Communication design at Central Saint Martins. 
The MA project consists of theory, practical experiments and user involvement. The work is gradually developed, and in this portfolio I show examples of various experiments which support my theoretical thesis. 
The work is developed around the challenge of how behavioural psychology may affect communication of climate change. Mainly challenging the idea of how we design information and how we as designers research our subjects.
Experiment; Carbon emission by flight from London 
This experiment is aiming at giving a perspective on how we affect our environment by our daily actions. Given London has a very multicultural composition of inhabitants - with nationalities from all over the world - this map has it's starting point in London. The map is drawn, based on the amount one person emits by flying from London to a given destination in the world. The destinations are placed in relation to kg of Co2 and geographical location.
Carbon emission by flight from London. The world.
North America.
As part of the project was to involve users during an exhibition in London. The emission portraits were taken live during the
exhibition as a way of making the map comprehensible.
Selection of emission portraits based on the emission map. People from London evaluating their latest emission by flight. 
Spread from emission portrait book.
Spread from emission portrait book.
4. Carbon emission by flight map (MA)

4. Carbon emission by flight map (MA)

As part of MA project with focus on communication of climate change, this experiment; Carbon emission by flight from London is aiming at giving a Read More
