Death Star poster design - more experimentation and playing with a variety of techniques and process - referring back to the work of graphic designer Chris Do and Emily Xie.
Oldboy (2003) poster design - an old favourite film of mine, capturing the themes throughout the story provided an excellent design challenge. The hammer is an iconic weapon in the film, and with it marks a very poignant moment in the film.
A childhood favourite movie - inspired by geometric patterns and symmetry. 
Isle of Dogs. Featuring Chief, one of the main pivotal characters in the stop-motion animated film by Paul Wes Anderson. Experimenting more with typography, exploring the practicalities it has within an illustration. 
Memoirs of a geisha book cover idea design - 2005 
A variety of graphic poster designs produced part of #everydayposter challenge I took part in mid June this year.
Film Posters