Located in the heart of the city of Rezé, near the centre of Nantes, the project consists of an intervention on an existing infrastructure: a huge car park that has become obsolete due to its proximity to the city centre and the town’ s plan to reduce the share of cars in urban mobility by 2030. Within its symbolic and obvious framework, the project will be structured according to 3 principles:
- Return of the attractiveness of the public square as a symbol of social gathering;
- Progressive elimination of the parking which will be moved to the south of Rezé: How to “Live on a Construction Site”;
- Creation of a more appetizing market for the people of Rezé and Nantes. 

According to a phased approach, the project will be carried out in accordance with the principle of urban recycling using recycled materials from the site (by removing the slab from the car park). Throughout the construction period, the site will be put on display, where the materials stored, the construction in progress, and the development of the project will form a public gallery for exchange and awareness. Thanks to its transformable and modular quality, the project is oriented towards the future, leaving the inhabitants the possibility to adapt it according to their needs.

Rezé: A mosaic of urban typologies
The 5 main elements of the project: Artists' lofts / Vertical circulation modules / Recessed parking slab / Site observatory / Manufacturing hall
Yearly sunshine showing the newly lit open spaces
Start of  construction: First part of the recessed slab
First stage: Opening of the gastronomic market and installation of the site observatory
Second stage: Construction of the production hall and the first artists' lofts
Finished project? The major project is nearing completion, but the district is still in development and creation.
Inclusion in the surrounding territory
Relationship between the different levels of the project
A new dynamic space is created

Work-Site Gallery


Work-Site Gallery

Architecture School Project: "Sensitive Architecture Studio" - Focusing on the existing infrastructure issues in the city of Nantes and their fat 자세히 보기
