Pearl Consulting

Pearl consulting
web site

What is Pearl Consulting?

Pearl Consulting is an international business software supplier for retailers, wholesalers and pharmaceutical businesses.

They were looking for a website redesign to create a better presentation of their services to the potential client and create higher quality of sales leads.

What we did

We created unique visual design from scratch that would stand out from the competition and showcase the company's brand.
To create credibility and feeling of openness we used the company's employees in their actual office environment for majority of the visuals.

To appeal for the potential job seekers, “Career” section was created with simple argumentation and 3-step-program to help make the decision.
No formal requirements and paperwork. Just the most essential information that could be filled within seconds.


Having a well designed user journey and easily digestible content, helped to reduce the workload for the customer support as the most important information was well presented on website.
Immediately after the new user oriented design was implemented, Peal saw a higher conversion rate for the new business inquiries. People that got in touch tended to be much more educated about their services.

Pearl Consulting

Project Made For

Pearl Consulting

Website redesign for Pearl Consulting, an international business software supplier for retailers, wholesalers and pharmaceutical businesses.
