“Time and void I”
45 x 30 x 30 cm
Stoneware at 1200º c
“Time and void II”
50 x 30 x 30 cm
Stoneware at 1200º c
          My idea for this work was to find a way to represent time, more specifically the connection between past and pre- sent. Time has no beginning or end just like a circle. This shape is found in all traditional artefacts made with potter’s wheel, whenever cut horizontally.
          From the three pots created, two were made from circular sheets of clay, each separated with a smaller spacer. For the structure to hold itself, a wire was inserted in the center providing a sustaining spinal cord. By withdrawing its original utility as a container arises the representation of the void.
(The third pot’s visual representation symbolizes time and void, meaning it's invisible!)
"Time and Void"

"Time and Void"



Sectores creativos