A project about designing a logo and brand identity for a specific UN calendar date. I was given Cancer to work from. I wanted to create a new identity and 'brand' for breast cancer as I felt there needed to be some connection between both males and females, as I currently feel that males arre often forgotten in terms of the topic of breast cancer.  This date focussed on the October month.
I designed over 50 different logo designs and came to the outcome of one final logo. I created a design which incoporated both the male and female symbol icons and represented these with the iconic male and female colour codes (blue and pink). I really felt that I connected with this project and felt that it had a positive outcome. I have also included an image of my thought processes, cancer statements and brand names/slogans I came up with whlst in the design stages. 
Breast Cancer Logo Design

Breast Cancer Logo Design

Breast Cancer Logo Design


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