CEBIT 2018 Hungarian Pavilion

Expositie en bewegwijzering
We designed for the second time the Hungarian Pavilion in cooperation with Creacity at Cebit. WYN.DESIGN (former MOBILSOFA) have been integrated the twelve exhibiting companies into the visual concept of the entire pavilion. After last year's family house theme, in 2018 we focused on showing how innovation turn up and can be seen in small settlements, in big cities and in the countryside.
project info: 
name: Hungarian Pavilion
event: CEBIT Show 2018
design agency: WYN.DESIGN (former MOBILSOFA Studio) & CREACITY
production company: MOBILSOFA
location: Hannover, Germany
completion: June 11-15, 2018

creative direction: Bálint Füleki
design concept: Tamás Boldizsár, Orsolya Horváth, Máté Mohari, Renáta Vaskó
design team: Tamás Boldizsár, Zoltán Fehér, Gergő Gelei, Orsolya Horváth, Máté Mohari, Hella Sarnyai
graphic concept: István Szécsényi
graphic design team: István Szécsényi, Zsófia Szaniszló
interactive & digital content development: István Szécsényi, István Tüttő
structure & setting: Gergely Kozma, Máté Mohari
project management: Lili Pammer-Zagroczky, Krisztina Eszter Vaju, Renáta Vaskó
photo: Tamás Boldizsár
video: Ciaran Jackson
CEBIT 2018 Hungarian Pavilion