There’s a new bar in town! Or, to be more specific: in Utrecht. It’s called ‘Het Gegeven Paard’.Translation: ‘The Gift Horse’. The name is an unmistakable reference to the expression “You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” and a play on the core concept of the bar, which serves free food to the punters coming in for a drink.
The idea was to create a bar that would appeal to a very broad audience and offer everyone who came in a whole barrelful of reasons to stay. First of all: free food is always a good reason to stick around. But we made it all the more special and pleasurable to the palate by focusing on local dishes and local ingredients, making everyone feel right at home.
Creneau collaborated with lots of locals to make sure all food (no matter how much the menu might change from day to day or from the crack o’ dawn to late at night) was locally sourced, created and consumed.
When the stars come out, all prancing ponies are invited to the dance floor: at 10pm the DJ takes over and you can burn off all those delicious free calories whole horsing around to your favorite tunes. Yee-haw!
Read about the true identity of our horse here
Het Gegeven Paard