A Piece of Cake

This was a live brief to create an engaging A5 promotional mailer for The Practical Printer, a local printing firm based in Leicester​​​​​​​. The objective of the mailer was to creatively demonstrate the laser and printing services the company provides and also celebrate their 30th anniversary using just eight sheets of card and paper stock.

The client was particularly keen to promote their letterpress and laser techniques. Hence, I got my work done in a laser cutting workshop. I also tried using screen printing to imitate letterpress and lithograph printing to deliver a realistic outcome. The papers used were selected from a range of GF Smith paper stocks.

I chose the theme traditional British cakes for this project. In order to make the audience feel more involved, I made elements of the prints interactive by introducing interchangeable cake slices. Finally, I ended up choosing 'A piece of cake' for the title due to the interactive elements in this mailer.
A Piece of Cake


A Piece of Cake
