Oil Painting inspired from Leonid Afremov
Spring - Watercolor
Melancholy - Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas, Knife painting
Abstract - Acrylic on canvas using palatte knives
Acrylic on canvas, Knife painting
Guacamayas - Acrylic on canvas using palatte knives
Ballet - Acrylic on canvas using palatte knives
Zentangling on a coffee cup
Zentangle Peacock
A wordy cup of coffee
Acrylic on canvas. A photo clicked by a friend turned into a knife painting on her behest.
Watercolor fashion illustration
Watercolor painting 
Dancer- Charcoal sketch
Camel caravan - Glass painting
Cello girl - Glass painting
Warli on handmade paper
Warli on handmade paper
Peacocks - Glass painting
Pencil sketch
Elephant procession - Glass painting
Glass painting
Glass painting
Warli on handmade paper
Charcoal sketch
Warli bookmarks
Corner bookmarks made over a weekend


A few paintings and sketches that I've made over the last many years.


Creative Fields