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CSS Reset: 1 pg website design

Web Design I
Assignment: To create a desktop website for a CSS property. ​​​​​​​
CSS reset, created by Eric Meyer, is a snippet of code that removes the browser's presets for elements on a page. The purpose of this page is to highlight its usage and what it really is. Before understanding the deeper components of this, I designed the page to lead users through the information using a cassette tape as a visual cue. Since this property resets everything, I felt the cassette tape would be an appropriate motif because it needs to be rewinded to play a song again. A retro color palette was used to emphasis its vintage history. 
CSS Reset: 1 pg website design

CSS Reset: 1 pg website design

Web Design I Assignment: To create a desktop website for a CSS property. ​​​​​​​ I received CSS reset out of a random drawing. This is my take on Read More
