My fifth semester in Textiles I advanced to industrial knitting using Stoll technology and machinery. We learned how to program samples with complex structures and color combinations.
Over the preceding summer I took two classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York: Sewing Techniques I and Patternmaking I. I continued my studies into the semester by taking a class in the Apparel Department called Junior Cut & Sew. In this class I learned how to make slopers and patterns for knit fabrics and different sewing techniques that are best used with knit fabrics.
The Industrial Knitting class and Cut & Sew class integrated themselves together nicely, so I therefore decided to create a collection as my final for both classes. Below is a photo of the two-look collection. More detailed images can be found under each class page.
Highline Collection

Highline Collection

My fifth semester in Textiles I advanced to industrial knitting using Stoll technology and machinery. We learned how to program samples with comp Se mer


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