Jannic Nielssen 님의 프로필

Univeristy Center Board Graphic Design

This was created for the UCB Facebook pae, prior to the Timeline. I decided on a long image to make use of space. I tried to maintain branding by sticking with the font and color scheme we had been using for some time as well as linking to our Twitter profile.
I created this footer to attach to all promotional material to pull traffic to our social media profiles.
This cover image was created to replace the long profile image after the timeline was introduced. The image was updated to contain the updated and award winning circular theme that was introduced (pictured below). It also has links to our social media profiles.
Pictured: Alexis Coutu; President and former Graphic Design Chair, Daniel Calantoni; Late Night Event Chair, and Jannic Nielssen (me) Marketing Communication Chair. Photo of us with the award for the 2011 Outstanding Themed Campaign at NACA Mid America.
An extended Twitter profile for UCB. This was created to give peronality to the Twitter page while retaining the brand image.
Millikin University had just won a screening of Chronicle after much promotion by me. I decded to take this oppurtunity and brand it as a UCB event. We had recieved notice of winning only a day before the screening was to take place. I created this poster in record time and hung it up all across school to let the campus community know about the screening. The event was attended by record breaking number of students that we had to turn some away.
In order to build excitement for the 2012 Big Event after UCB had made it's selection on who it would be, I created this teaser poster using an image of a random group of people to have the campus guessing who it could be. I made sure to lead people to our social media pages through the use of a QR code so as to build our online presence.
To gain more traffic to our Facebook page, I created a competition in which I required students to make a video about why they loved UCB and have their friends like the video on our page. We recieved a lot of traffic through this competition and poster.
This is a collection of the graphic design work I did while holding the position of Marketing Communication Chair on the University Center Board executive committee. It shoud be noted that there was a Graphic Design chair but I eased their work load by creating some of the necessary pieces while maintaining the brand.
Univeristy Center Board Graphic Design

Univeristy Center Board Graphic Design

This is a collection of the graphic design work I did while holding the position of Marketing Communication Chair on the University Center Board 자세히 보기
