Edgar Gentle 的个人资料

ACAM - How Masters Benefit the Judicial System

An attorney based in Alabama, Edgar “Ed” Gentle is a partner at Gentle Turner Sexton and Harbison, LLC. A special master and settlement administrator, Ed Gentle is a member of the Academy of Court-Appointed Masters (ACAM). 

ACAM is an independent organization whose membership is comprised of masters from both the federal and state courts. The organization’s mission is to further the understanding of masters, their various roles, and how they benefit the court process. 

According to ACAM, masters are judicial adjuncts appointed in accordance with Rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. They provide the courts with essential services, expediting the realization of justice. There are different types of masters, each named for the specific roles they play. For example, discovery masters resolve discovery issues in complex cases, settlement masters act as mediators enabling the settlement of large-scale tort cases, and coordinating masters help coordinate the tasks of counsels where there are numerous parties involved. 

The use of masters can simplify and reduce the work of judges and court administrative staff, lower the cost of litigation, and lead to the quicker resolution of disputes.
ACAM - How Masters Benefit the Judicial System

ACAM - How Masters Benefit the Judicial System
