Emma Pumarola sin profil


The next animation is a project about  drifts and journeys inside oneself. 
This is a work in progress, so I have to modify some things, and this part is only a sample of how it looks like. The whole animation is almost done, but I have to fix some imperfections.
In order to grow up you need to move forward. In order to move forward you need to stop.
Every extreme situation can be looked upon from different points of view; it all depends on your attitude. We could shut ourselves up and pretend that its nothing or we could take action and prompt recovery by facing the situation.
Ombres Interiors (Shadows in the Inside) is a ride into the inner mind, It is a portion of my personal trip that offers the viewer the opportunity to stop and think about who we are and why we do what we do.
Here you have some frames of the ultimate version and a little bit of literature:
"Where does this train go, Porter?" asked Niggle.
"I don't think they have fixed its name yet," said the Porter. "But you'll find it all right." He shut the door.
Extracted from Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien.
“Hi ha vegades en què el destí és com una tempesta de sorra molt petita que no para de canviar de direcció. Tu intentes evitar-la, però la tempesta et segueix. Tornes a canviar de direcció, però la tempesta fa el mateix que tu. Això es repeteix una vegada i una altra, com si fos una ominosa dansa amb la mort just abans de l’alba. I això és així perquè aquesta tempesta no és una cosa que hagi vingut de lluny i que no tingui cap relació amb tu. La tempesta ets tu.”
Extracted from Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami
"As he walked away, he discovered an odd thing: the Forest, of course, was a distant Forest, yes he could approach it, even enter it, without its losing that particular charm. He had never before been able to walk into the distance without turning it into mere surroundings. It really added a considerable attraction to walking in the country, because, as you walked, new distances opened out; so that you now had doubled, treble, and quadruple distances, doubly, trebly, and quadruply enchanting."
Extracted from Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Extracted from Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien
"However, Atkins preserved the odd corner. Most of it crumbled; but one beautiful leaf remained intact. Atkins had it framed. Later he left it to the Town Museum, and for a long while "Leaf: by Niggle" hung there in a recess, and was noticed by a few eyes. But eventually the Museum was burnt down, and the leaf, and Niggle, were entirely forgotten in his old country."
Extracted from Leaf, by Niggle, by J.R.R Tolkien
... And some extra material of the making off...


"Shadows in the inside" is a 9 minutes animation based on drifts and interior trips. But it's not already finished...


Kreative områder