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Presto Cosmetics | Branding & Strategy Design


Presto Cosmetic Branding & Strategy Design

Design Agency : StudioPros Design
Art direciton & Visual design : Yi-Hsuan Li 李宜軒
Client : Presto cosmetics ( Korea / India)

Design Concept:
Presto is an expression used by magicians when they perform surprising magic tricks; it indicates a sudden appearance of something as if by magic. We take this concept as the brand name to symbolize the significant effects of the product, and to bring in the brand a magical, narrative sense. Designing the logo, we use a magician’s familiar trick: the hat-trick, pulling a rabbit out of a hat. We have a rabbit, a top hat, and flowers, along with delicate letters to enrich the details and vision in the logo. These delicate elements have also become images that extend the brand’s style. Rearranging and redesigning those elements, it creates kaleidoscopic scenes, and can be applied to different design products, which makes the brand even more consistent and steady. The letters inside the logo are so elegant; their structures extended from the circle logo, their strokes smooth and delicate, adding more sense of multi-levels to the view. We choose the passionate orange color as the main color, with the simple black and white color, to form a contrast scene, to increase the brand’s impression, and to present the extraordinary aesthetics from the brand.

Presto為魔術師表演魔術製造驚喜時的用語,意旨說變就變。我們延續了此概念作為品牌名稱,代表產品的顯著作用,也為品牌帶入魔幻、故事性的氛圍。在品牌商標的設計裡,我們以魔術師常變的把戲:帽子裡變出兔子的元素作為設計的視覺,商標中有著兔子、魔術師的帽子及花朵,搭配著精緻優雅的英文字母設計,豐富了商標的的細節。而這些細緻的元素也成了衍伸品牌風格的圖騰,重新排列設計圖樣後,成了一幅幅如萬花筒般的畫面,能夠運用於不同的設計品上,讓品牌整體更有一致性。Presto商標內的英文字體優雅,構造延伸logo的圓形造型,邊線柔順而精緻,增添了許多畫面的層次感,而在色彩上我們選用熱情活潑的橘色作為標準色, 搭配簡約的黑白,畫面對比感強烈,除了增添品牌印象度,也呈現出品牌的特別的時尚品牌美學。

Designed by StudioPros
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Presto Cosmetics | Branding & Strategy Design

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Presto Cosmetics | Branding & Strategy Design

design, designer, graphic, graphic design, color, colour, inspiration, logo, logofolio, branding, branding agency, packaging design, brand identi Læs mere
