This is a imaginary project that I made, but I think that is pretty interesting so I decidet to post it on Behance.
I wanted the font to remind of a hand made inscription made with pouring ketchup on a surface. 
So I tried several different fonts and found the moust appropriate for this job :)))
Next part was the symbol of the tomato
Because ketchup is made of processed tomatoes i decidet the tomato to be cut in peaces.
The result is below
The bottle of the ketchup was the next move ... I have no drawing skills in 3D (bu I'm planning to corect that in near future) so I draw the bottle in Illustrator. The most important thing is that I wanted to be with a tight neck and a wide body so it can be easily squeezed and in thr same time to pour ketchup exactly where you want. 
So here is the final design for the To-To Ketchup :)
I also made a HOT version of the ketchup because by accident I looooove hot and spicy ketchup :)))
Thanks soooo much for watching and please comments are appreciated
To-To Ketchup

To-To Ketchup

Package design concept
