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Display Design: Beer Here

Picking the most popular shop for alcoholic drinks in town with barely any window to work with, we decided to use stencils on styrofoam of people like us 'drinking and enjoying each others' company.' This striking addition gave more life to the shop and its visitors... 

Designers: Rasha Jamaladdin, Zyaid Abi Assi, Rawan Khalil, and I
Shop BEFORE our intervention: It was tricky because it didn’t have a window to work with; it was a mini-shop known for selling alcoholic drinks. Despite the shop’s popularity, its outer appearance was not pleasing at all. 
Work in progress: Hanging up the silhouettes 
Final Result: Night Time
Close up: Notice the real beer bottles in their hands
Close up: The AC unit here acts as table for the beer bottles while at the same time a place for the birds to rest
Display Design: Beer Here

Display Design: Beer Here

Picking the most popular shop for alcoholic drinks in town with barely any window to work with, we decided to use stencils on styrofoam of people Read More
