Profil appartenant à Ching Yi


Exposition et signalisation

“Face this absurd world with serious humor!”

What is the taste of “growing up”? After what age are we regarded as “grown-ups”? There seems to be no standard answers or any specific numbers; rather, it is a state, a different state compared to ourselves in the past. The term “grown-up” is like the symbol of a new demographic group, a kind of lifestyle, values, and preferences unlike anything in the past; it seems to also represent a wonderful state where one has own style and firm confidence, as he or she now pursues a better life, and has broader perspectives, refined taste, and the ability to feel and read life.

It seems wonderful and intriguing to become an “adult,” but is the state of “grown-up” really better?


In addition to the irresistible process of aging, “grown-ups” must also assume greater responsibilities and obligations in reality; sometimes they face truths they cannot handle, and sometimes they have to face realities beyond their imaginations…At times, they feel as if they lived in a circus, and were surrounded by both well- and poorly-trainedactors and animals; within own roles, they try hard to cover their mistakes in order to give seemingly perfect performances. Weaving through lights, applauses, laughter, and absurd plays, the circus also features mysterious and dreamy music and lavish and fantasy-like scenes. 

Through combining the social phenomena and everyday life in the eyes of artists with real yet fantasy-like exhibition space, this exhibition invites audience to jointly consider how, in their own minds, the “world of grown-ups” should look like?


設計理念 / 



🔺序幕 Prelude
「把球拋到空中,遊戲就開始了。」Toss the ball in the air, and the game starts.

🔺第一幕 Scene 1
「完美華麗的轉身,是一門高深的學問。」A perfect and magnificent farewell is an art.

🔺第二幕 Scene 2
「姊吃的不是食物,是夢與記憶!」I’m not eating food, I’m eating dreams and memories!

「別傻了!我們就活在表象。」Don’t be silly! We do live superficially.

🔺第三幕 Scene 3
「撞衫不可怕,東施效顰才尷尬!」It’s not terrible to be wearing the same dress; ‘tis only awkward when you try too hard to become someone else!

「現在隱私怎麼?我們無從得知真相。」 What about privacy? We have no way of learning the truth.

🔺第四幕 Scene 4
「移動過程中,在體驗差異,還是複製想像?」Over the process of moving, are we experiencing the differences, or duplicating imaginations?

🔺第五幕 Scene 5
「人生就是不停的戰鬥!」Life is one continuous battle!

🔺第六幕 Scene 6
「戰鬥結束,回家chill一下。」The battle is over, let’s go home and chill.”

🔺第七幕 Scene 7
「美好生活,由你設計。」Good life, designed by you. 


藝術銀行介紹 Introduction of Art Bank Taiwan
“Art Bank Taiwan ” collects works by Taiwanese artists through government procurement and leases them to government agencies, private and public organizations, and private enterprises. Artworks are displayed in public spaces to promote local artists, and create pleasant surprises in everyday life!


Introduction of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts / 
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) is the only national-grade museum in Taiwan that focuses on visual arts, collecting and researching the unique features of Taiwan’s modern and contemporary art development. In addition to organizing various exhibitions, engaging in long-term exchange and interaction with overseas fine arts museums, and actively participating in major international exhibitions, NTMoFA also strives to offer special exhibitions of diverse topics and themes and activities of art education and promotion, providing citizens an environment to appreciate art through diverse perspectives and means. This exhibition collaborates with other projects implemented by NTMoFA, including “Art Bank Taiwan,” “Taiwan Culture and Living Brands,” and “Taiwan Tech x Art Innovation,” to showcase the diverse looks of art creations and creative expressions of art infused with life.

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