в марте этого года я приняла участие в экспедиции #silatrekelbrus от silamedia в качестве иллюстратора. мы отправились из москвы в приэльбрусье через нальчик. целью экспедиции был поселок нейтрино и его обитатели, живущие в двух девятиэтажках среди гор / this march i joined the #silamedia's expedition to elbrus as illustrator. we went from moscow to elbrus by nalchik. our goal was to reach a small village called neutrino, which inhabitants live in two 9-floor houses between the mountains.
наше путешествие начинается еще в аэроэкспрессе, где становится понятно, что наши пищевые привычки на все время пребывания на эльбрусе придется менять. с этим согласны не все (я) / our journey begins 
in aeroexpress train, where we were told to change our eating habits during elbrus trip.
из тумана в туман / from fog in moscow to fog in nalchik
в нальчике мы встретили булата халилова, основателя лейбла ored recordings, записывающего традиционную музыку народов кавказа (и вокруг) / in nalchik we met bulat khalilov, one of the owners of ored recordings, a music label which records traditional music and songs of kaukaz (and around). here we are: 
a phantomas (memorial of war victims), me and bulat.
мы прибыли в азау, когда стемнело и не увидели окружавших нас гор. зато горы смотрели на нас со всех бутылок воды в номере. на одной из них даже была реклама такси / we arrived at azau in the evening, so we had no chance to see mountains around. but we saw them at labels on water bottles in our hotel room.
one of them even had a taxi number on it!
карта наших перемещений в приэльбрусье / here is a map of our trip in the mountains. from left to right: 
azau, where we lived, terskol, where was a snowslip shooting base, cheget with the best coffee around, elbrus and neutrino - our point.
вечерняя планерка и альфия рядом с лавиной / jokes about using our dron for spotting scientists in neutrino and happy alfiya near the snowslip. next day she'll be taking an interview with people who shoot snowslips.
орудие для отстрела лавин / a gun to shoot snowslips
фотограф и ученый / our photographer, vasya, is shooting a snowslip. girin, a scientist fron observatory, tells a story about it. this snowslip fell at neutrino in 2004 and killed lifesavers.
школа и ее директор / a principal of school in neutrino. there are 30 teachers and nearly 90 kids 
(most of them are in nursery)
слава интервьюирует алену, одну из жителей девятиэтажки. ее детство прошло в нейтрино, и она хотела того же для своего сына, поэтому вернулась сюда, когда ему исполнилось три месяца / slava takes an interview from alyona, local guide. she wanted her son to have a childhod in neutrino like her, so she took him here when he was three month old.
азамат и его x5 / meet azamat in his glorious apartment with zebra carpet and small bambi toy by his legs. he even has bmw x5, but we hadn't a chance to see it.
момент осознания: запускаем дрон, вокруг горы, я все еще могу с одной из них свалиться / a moment when i understood that everuthing around is real, but i was still able to fall from a mountain.
русалина и ее героиня зара, продавец в магазине, одном из трех в нейтрино / rusalita interviewes zara in her workplace - a small grocery store. zara is waiting for the summer, when she'll move to anapa to work as a cook.
варить кофе на криптоферме / one of the scientists from observatory even has a cryptofarm and i suggested that we can use it to make a coffee.
чегет, кофейня / one of the best discoveries in cheget was a small coffeeshop with very warm atmosphere. its owner presented me a blue pin with "эдельвейс" - a small flower growing in high mountain areas.
типичный вид в нейтрино / a typical view in neutrino.
саша работает бухгалтером в бно, а ее сын билал обожает динозавров / sasha works as an accountant in observatory and her son, bilal, is really keen on dinosaurs. our photographer, vasya, looked at toy crab's smile and said, that he had a simular face when his drone fell from a mountain.
прощай, нейтрино! / we are saying goodbye to neutrino by sharing a bottle of vine under yellow raincoat (not mine)
истинно кавказская щедрость / a true caucasian generosity - our low-cost air company offered us huge glasses of water (they use smaller ones on their international flights).
узнать больше про экспедицию можно по тегу #silatrekelbrus в фейсбуке и в инстаграме / you can learn more about the expedition by tag #silatrekelbrus on facebook or instagram.
#silatrekelbrus diary


#silatrekelbrus diary

this sketchbook is a result of my participation in trekking to elbrus with silamedia. our goal was to make a project about people living in two 9 Leer más
