Intro to Graphic Design : Final Project
Taking a cue from the amazing work James White did with his "Gum Card" project I spun the concept off into the final project for this semesters Introduction to Graphic Design final at Marywood University.  Using concepts and techniques learned in class I set the students on a path to design a self promotion trading card using no more than 2 spot colors and black, creating a graphic self portrait, and writing a witty, short bio about themselves while incorporating a small graphic element with custom icons to show their skill set.
With this being the inaguraul run of a new project I decided to participate and throw in three chase cards of myself to give the students a little surprise during the critique.
I'm not the best writer, but feel free to read away.
What would any card of me be without one of many pairs of Oakley sunglasses: from top to bottom illustrations are X-Squared, Frogskins, Fatcat, Monster Dog.
Chase Cards

Chase Cards

The final project of my Intro to Graphic Design class at Marywood University.
