Hobby Design
A long time wearer and collector of all things Oakley, in 2004 I came across a small group of like minded individuals with a singular passion.  From that small group of no more than a dozen or so original members the o-review became a juggernaut, and the leading home for news, discussions, trades, history, and product reviews.  As the resident designer I put together more than a few pieces for the group as whole, as well as for personal use to support the cause.
An homage to one of the most recognizable logos to dominate the 80s and early 90s.
We called it an obsession.
Keeping in style with the 80s theme I chose to use Garamond just as it was in the original ads and stickers.
My avatar.  A play on the Oakley thumbprint icon.
2009 brought with it the "red shift" so we did the same. 
Shirt graphic for a large fan event at the Oakley global HQ.
Shirt graphic for a large fan event at the Oakley global HQ.
5 year anniversary poster.  Edition of 50.  My gift to those invited to the Factory Co-Pilot fan event.
Global camo pattern.
An un-produced mini-poster design.
The O-Review

The O-Review

Pieces created to promote a hobby and group of fellow enthusiasts and collectors.
