Eva Bochem-Shurs profil

Bruce Conner: IT'S ALL TRUE

–Ad Campaign
– Exhibition Poster

Bruce Conner’s first comprehensive retrospective in New York, IT'S ALL TRUE brought together over 250 artworks, ranging from films to assemblages. The title of the exhibition came from a letter written by Conner, in which the artist created a list of contradictory personas for himself. Using this list, paired with Conner’s powerful imagery, we created a title wall and advertising campaign that at a glance summed up Conner’s ethos as an artist.
Designed at The Museum of Modern Art, 2016
Co-Curated by Stuart Comer & Laura Hoptman; Creative Direction: Ingrid Chou; Art Direction: Tony Lee Jr.; Lead Designer: Eva Bochem-Shur; Production: Claire Corey, Paulette Giguere; Typeface: Lyon
Bruce Conner: IT'S ALL TRUE

Bruce Conner: IT'S ALL TRUE
