Profil appartenant à Dina Toomey

Book Cover Design for St. Frankenstein

Book Cover Design for St. Frankenstein
Typeface Family: Futura

St. Frankenstein is a wonderfully gorey screenplay by Daniel Benton, for whom I had the pleasure of designing this book cover.

The story takes place in modern day Germany among gothic architecture and dark forest landscapes.The highly descriptive death scenes and experimental religious resurrections greatly impacted the imagery of the book cover. In a three-color minimalist style, the cover features blood dripping down and forming The Monster upside down on black, demonstrating its sinister quality. Standing upright amidst the blood and opposite of The Monster is a pristine white crucifix, representing the virtue hoped for in the experimentation.

I created a vector pattern of gothic arches and overlaid it on the red and black image to represent the setting of the story.

The blood drips were created using chocolate syrup, in true classic horror film fashion. The monster figure is hand drawn.

The typeface I chose for this book cover is Futura. It being a geometric sans serif, I felt it paired well with the minimalist style of the imagery and winks at the violent story with its sharp, pointed angles of its uppercase letterforms.

This is a must-read screenplay for any horror movie director or lover of epically gorey horror stories. I highly recommend!

Purchase a copy of the screenplay St. Frankenstein on Amazon.

Book Cover Design for St. Frankenstein
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Book Cover Design for St. Frankenstein

Book Cover design for the screenplay St. Frankenstein by Daniel Benton

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