Alex Hernan's profile

Scottex Adoption

(Case in progress)
Scottex’s Puppy is one of the most famous advertisement mascots in Spain and around Europe. We decided to leverage this, by creating a campaign based on a simple premise:

Our puppy would lend its place on the iconic Pack to other dogs with less luck; dogs that needed to be adopted and that were looking for a home.
People could find those new packs in a few selected stores in Madrid. But not only there; we launched an online campaign through social media introducing the new puppies.
We also created a website where people could actually adopt one of the puppies looking for a home.
The campaign was a complete success with 90% of our dogs adopted within one week, a lot of buzz in social media and great results in earned media. People loved it and shared it everywhere, talking about Scottex puppy’s generous action.
Scottex Adoption

Scottex Adoption
