Brook Blackwell 的个人资料

Assignment 6 - Light Control

Assignment 6 - Light Control

(A6 - Light Control)
Cast Shadow
Strength: the blue in her eyes really pops with the red of her hair
Problem/Solution: eye is slightly off center, reposition the camera so her eye is either in the center or in the rule of thirds
Problem/Solution: picture cuts off at an awkward spot on her chin, move the camera
Problem/Solution: shadow is too black, change the ISO or shutter speed to let in more light
Strength: the way the shadow falls casts a lot of visual interest
Little to No Shadow
Strength: the reds of her hat and the green of the leaves compliment each other
Problem/Solution: the big snow clump is distracting, remove part of it
Problem/Solution: her chin is covered, change camera angle
Problem/Solution: her face is too dark, change the ISO or shutter speed to let in more light
Strength: subject is in focus and isolated from the branches
Strong Shadow
Strength: subject fits into the rule of thirds
Problem/Solution: the box at the bottom right is distracting, move the box or camera angle
Problem/Solution: the hair blends in with the brick, move the subject so the hair is not right up against it
Problem/Solution: background is tilted, straighten the camera
Strength: background is intetesting
Soft Shadow
Strength: background is interesting without being distracting
Problem/Solution: the house seems to be tilting, change the camera angle
Problem/Solution: chimney looks like it's coming out of the top of his head, move subject
Problem/Solution: not enough contrast between the shirt and the window, reposition so the shirt is not up against it
Strength: his eyes follow the lines on the roof (leading lines)
Background Light
Strength: the sunset casts a nice light on the subject's face
Problem/Solution: there is too much room above the subject's hat, move the camera down
Problem/Solution: not enough contrast between the subject and the dark background, change the ISO to let in more light
Problem/Solution: would be more interesting if the mountains were crisper, change the aperature
Strength: the colors draw the eye
Assignment 6 - Light Control

Assignment 6 - Light Control

