Mateusz P. Szwedo's profile

EL ZOGO DEL COCAL • Illustration & Brand Identity

"EL ZOGO DEL COCAL" (the game of the seagull, in the dialect of Trieste) is a board game where each player plays the role of a seagull to fly over all the most beautiful and well-known places in Trieste, depicted in the boxes. Written in the dialect of Trieste with the Italian translation, it aims to make the city and its dialect known.

The main visual elements (colors, pattern, font) have become increasingly clearer with the continuation of the making.

The logo is a caricature of a seagull (cocal), protagonist of the game, with the halberd (symbol of the city) in the head, enclosed in a lifesaver. Below are the two realized variations.

The material realized for the project
1 board, 36 cards (divided into 9 categories: go back (4), go ahead (4), change lap (4), steal bread (7), return to the start (4), switch positions (4),  move it backwards (4), stay still (4), you're out of the game (1), 4 pawns (made with the 3D printer), 2 dice, 40 bread crumbs, 1 box.

The board is divided in:
Special squares: START, TAKE A CARD, BREAD, STECCHITO (feriera, you're out of the game), WAIT A TURN (osmiza), ARRIVAL.
Square places: Piazza Unità, Molo Audace, Canale Ponterosso, Pontone Ursus, Piazza della Borsa, Teatro Romano, Cattedrale di San Giusto, Università, Villa Revoltella, Tram de Opcina, Arco di Riccardo, Barcola - Topolini, Monte Grisa, Castello di Miramare, Faro della Vittoria.

After the graphic creation phase, the product passes to the printing phase, where all the material is made (including the pedals with the 3D printer). In the photos below you can see some details of the final result.

Story. The project was born within the course of the Tecniche di Grafica Multimediale 2017 of Trieste's professional ESAIP Institute, funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, part of the PIPOL project ("Plan integrated for Employment Policies and Work"). Made entirely, from the conception of the idea to the press, from students of the course.

Publication. The project was promoted through a public presentation, held on Wednesday, January 24 2018, followed by the day after an article on the local newspaper "Il Piccolo".

Note. The material shown above will focus on my personal contribution to the project, in particular the realization of the logo, as well as the consequent choice of the font and the color palette, the building of the feather pattern, the board organization and the creation of 3 squares: Monte Grisa, Miramare and Lighthouse of Victory.

Thanks for watching!

Instagram: @mpszwedo
Facebook: @mpszwedo
EL ZOGO DEL COCAL • Illustration & Brand Identity

EL ZOGO DEL COCAL • Illustration & Brand Identity

Un gioco da tavolo ambientato a Trieste. Progetto nato durante il corso di Tecniche di Grafica Multimediale 2017.
