Grace Tomss profil

Pressing Flowers 2

All right! It's been 10 days, so it's time to check on our flowers :)
Well this one got a little ripped, but that's ok, I can just sample the other side onto it :) I have to use paper towels on both sides of the flower next time!
Perfect! It lost a bit of it's colour, but that's ok. I can up the saturation and vibrancy in photoshop later :)
Also very nice! 
Also, the flower got stuck to the other side of the page, so I had to use my nails to caaaarefully pick it up. Again, use paper towels on both sides next time!
This one turned out great!
Now, I'm going to lay them out in a blank book and seal them. I used clear mod podge and a large, soft brush. Try not to put too much on or the flower will become soggy, too little and it won't stick.
~1 minute after sealing
~5 minutes after sealing

Now, just let it air dry for 15-30 minutes
Yay! Pretty good for my first attempt, and I learned a lot. Now to crop the flowers into pngs!
1st flower, with no filters or editing. Pretty ugly.
WOOSH!!!! But not done yet!!
There! Removed the shadows, some noise and cleaned up the edges :)
Flower #2!
Flower #3! I made it a bit more saturated this time
And here's the last one. I simply sampled the top half of the flower so that it hides the bottom part. It looks ok if you don't stare too hard, I can fix it up completely later or...
Wow! So pretty now : O
It works for the other ones, too!
I might use this one in an illustration!
And that's about it for the flowers! 
I did pick some more though:
A double flower!
A passion fruit twisty vine thing
Passion fruit leaf!
I really want to press a passion fruit flower, but they won't grow until spring :(
Sweet pea!
I laid them out together to save space
And that's my progress with flowers this week! I'll update you when they're done :)
Pressing Flowers 2

Pressing Flowers 2


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