Role:  2D Animation | 3D Animation | Character Animation | Compositing

A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, a project for a client was finished but never uploaded... 
I just love Justyna Stasik's work, so you can imagine my happiness when the guys over YellowLab asked me to be one of the animators on this job. I pretty much got my hands dirty on every single shot of it and, with the amazing help of a team like that, it would be hard not to be proud of this one.
As the phone would be playing a big role on this spot, I decided to make it 3D, so I could move it around any angle I wanted. 
But I didn't want to jump back and forth from Cinema 4D to After Effects and vice-versa any time I want to make a change.
So I've decided to Model and Texture it in Cinema 4D and bring it into After Effects to play with Element 3D.
And I didn't have any regrets for this decision for a second.
Some other cool shots I worked on.
Directed by: YellowLab
Art Direction + Design: Justyna Stasik
Producer: Andrew Embury
Animation: Jardeson Rocha, Ricardo Mendes, 
Andrew Embury, James Hazael, Saulo De Castro
Additional 3D Particles: Patrick Letourneau
Music and Sound: Impossible Acoustic
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