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All Markets Summit: Crypto | Event Graphics

As a Motion Graphics Designer for Yahoo!, I collaborated with event designers to create motion graphics for the "All Markets Summit: Crypto" Conference presented by Yahoo! Finance. My contribution was to create intro animations to accompany each guest photograph, and sync typography developed by another designer as the photograph transitioned out. All transition and headshot animations were created by me from scratch to match the previously designed backdrop for the conference.  

For efficiency, I designed slider control expressions that would cycle through each photograph matching the guest(s) to introductory information. The master slider controls could be quickly and easily be readjusted in the event of last minute appearance changes. All compositions were organized and labelled for easy adjustments to layout to ensure event fluency. 

I also developed lower thirds graphics information for speaker and topic, which included a chroma key green backdrop for broadcast preparation. I labelled the compositions to ensure any designer could oversee production with as much ease as possible. ​​​​​​
This is a compilation of motion graphics I animated in collaboration with project designers for the All Markets Summit Conference. My graphics were displayed on multiple event screens throughout the conference to inform audiences and introduce featured guests. Included are publicity photographs taken by Gino DePinto of Oath.

Music "Number One Crew" by Juan Jose Alba
Film & Animation by Natalie A Palumbo
[Posted With Permission by Yahoo!]
All Markets Summit: Crypto | Event Graphics

All Markets Summit: Crypto | Event Graphics

As a Motion Graphics Designer for Yahoo!, I collaborated with event designers to create motion graphics for the "All Markets Summit: Crypto" Conf Read More
