Weightify Weights Of The Light / Desk Lamp
A desk lamp that delivers whole new interaction by materializing the light.

Intangible To Tangible
Light is one of the intangible matter that does not exist in tangible form. In terms of science light can be perceived as waves or particles. So, I was imagining what if we can materialize light, and what kind of interesting interaction I could apply to the lamp?

My inspiration of the desk lamp came from the balance scale, a mass measuring instrument, because it has a strong visual language that indicates a relationship of two different objects in terms of weights.

"Weightifying" The Light of Lamp.
Weights Of The Light
There are four weights with engraved luminance unit (called LUX). It symbolize that different amount of light is captured inside the each weight.

Weight Translate To Light
As user put the weights on the tail pan, the lamp light get brighter while it raise the head. Also, the blue accent color cord gives hint of playfulness to people.

Precise Amount Of The Light
Each weights contains certain amount of the light, and it can be mix weighted for certain use.

30 lux - 70 lux      =  night light
100 lux - 250 lux  =  mood light
400 lux - 500 lux  =  office desk light

Gimbal Head
As the lamp head is raising or falling, it always parallel to the ground like a gimbal.

Feather-like Swing - pivot joint
Joint holds the beam firmly yet lubricated to create feather-like swing movement of the arm.

As the light gets brighter it covers wider area. 

Color Variations
It comes with three different colors of the lamp and weights.

Additional Design: "Weight Of Light"
This design is more poetic than the original design because it strongly implies that certain amount of light is captured permanently inside of the dark cloudy resin. (It's like fossil in amber)

Model Making Process:
A working prototype with Arduino and CNC milled ash wood

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