Perfil de Maheen Meenai

F1 Grand Prix: The Big 10

Bahrain Grand Prix: The Big 10
The 10th Bahrain F1 Grand Prix was a matter of great pride for the entire nation. This event had previously faced its share of backlash, with the 2011 Grand Prix being cancelled owing to political unrest. Hence, the 10-year milestone was a major victory for the Government, the organizers and F1 enthusiasts alike. Memac Ogilvy was a part of the pitch process, and this particular campaign route was conceptualised by me and art directed by our brilliant Associate Creative Director, Saadique Waggie. The number '10' was the hero, and the campaign was to kick-off with a teaser and early bird phase, eventually extending into press, outdoor and guerrilla marketing.

At the end of the pitch process, the project was awarded to another agency who were asked to replicate our concept . Alas, the pure joys of advertising!
Our Proposed Concept
The Final Campaign (Heavily Inspired by Our Concept)
F1 Grand Prix: The Big 10


F1 Grand Prix: The Big 10
