DataData is a project I started with my dear friend Hana in December 2016. Inspired by by Dear Data we visualised our lives for 10 months in all kinds of ways. The project was set up in a two week cycle. One of us would choose a topic and we'd start with one week of analysation based on the topic followed by one week of production — visualising the data we gathered the week before.

Below are some of my personal favourites.

I analysed how often I put my hair into a ponytail and how often I shave my armpits and my legs. And from the data I gathered I created a frame-by-frame animation painted in Photoshop and put together in AfterEffects.

For this week I captured my data in simple drawings. The left part of the trianglular shapes represents the morning (midnight to noon) while the right part shows the afternoon (noon to midnight).

A video summarising words an phrases and places I didn't know before I heard them in this week.

These graphics are built like clocks to represent the hours of the day. The days of the week are visualised in circles — starting from Monday with the outer circle to Sunday, the smalles inner circle. The meaning of the symbols is described in the key below.

For a week of greetings I analysed when I greeted people, what kind of word or phrase I used and what my relationship towards the people was (represented in the line styles). And with all the data I gathered, I animated this video.

I started this one off with simple lines. Left to right were the hours of the day and the lines symoblised the hours in which I was asleep. And from sketches and scribbles it all went pretty fast and soon I ended up in a three-dimensional space.

For this week I visualised the online conversations I had with my sister. She was living in Austria at the time while I was living in London. We use the app Telegram to stay in touch and we text each other in our mother tongue – German. Hence the video is in German too.

For now DataData is on hold but it was so much fun working on those bi-weekly projects that I'm certain that I'll do something similar again or even pick this one up again at some point.
Thanks for watching and reading.
