Brand: Platinum Guild International

Product: Platinum wedding bands

Idea: Use the eight senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, time, space, and suspense) to make the reader experience an ongoing party celebration.


A pool of strangers had gathered in his new penthouse to celebrate his promotion. The freshly painted house was bustling with guests and caterers serving authentic cuisine. She easily spotted his curly hair above the crowd. Unlike the other guests, she was there for a completely different reason. 
Since her car broke down the previous morning she had to travel in a crowded bus for several hours. The bus was crammed with people and had creaked all through its journey. But her travel conditions had not diminished her intentions.

She saw him walking towards her but she moved around and succeeded in disappearing into the crowd. She put her hand in her bag and the velvet box reminded her why she was there. 
She saw him again and immediately started to make her way to the less crowded balcony. The soft music playing inside the house added to the mood created by the moon. Seconds later she was standing opposite him looking deep into his eyes. She took a deep breath and reached for the velvet box in her bag...

Platinum Wedding Bands...
Because you don’t wait for him to propose when you know he is the one.

To find out more, please visit or 
visit your nearest platinum retailer.
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