BETTSHOW 2018 Hungarian Pavilion

In 2018, Hungary had its own stand at the BETT Education Technology Show. WYN.DESIGN (former MOBILSOFA) worked with Creacity to design the concept of the stand, the elements of the installation, the graphic identity, and the interactive games that are connected to the theme of the exhibition.

The stand is a reference to the education of the future and gamification. The concept was inspired by children’s toys and wooden building blocks. The aim was to create something colourful that stands out and presents a welcoming and cheerful image of Hungary to visitors. In the future, children will learn on the schoolbus, in the shopping centre, or even at home, not just in the classroom. The line art drawings on the walls referred to this.
The stand featured 10 startup exhibitors, an interactive playground with digital and analogue solutions, workstations for the press, meeting rooms and catering facilities.
Interactive playground
An important area within the stand was the interactive playground presenting the client (Digital Success Programme), where tools developed specifically for this event combined analog toys with the latest digital technologies.
The Kodály Method
Standing in front of a screen, visitors are instructed how to hold their hand. These hand gestures, the hand signals of the Kodály method that represent musical notes, are detected by a so-called leap motion sensor. If you carefully follow the instructions on the screen, you can hear the music from your headphone.

Hopscotch with motion sensors
We placed a hopscotch-like track on the floor, where visitors could walk. As their steps were detected, content related to the client was displayed on the screen. As visitors followed the numbers on the track, they were given information about the various programmes of the Digital Success Programme for all age groups, from little children to university students, as if they were going through the various levels of education on the hopscotch.

Balancing game
We built a tiltable table, where the joint effort of the participants is needed to maintain balance. On the surface of the table, there are models of houses, which are connected to a central icon of a satellite by a strip of light. At the seesaw-like table, visitors need to keep the table horizontally if they want the strip of light from the satellite to reach the houses. This is a reference to the Digital Welfare Programme, which is taking broadband Internet service to areas where it is not yet available.

AR mock-up
A physical model of the whole stand was placed at one point of the stand, surrounded by tablets. Visitors could see the image of the model through the camera of the tablets. As tablets were moved in the direction of a detail on the model, information about the exhibitors, about specific functional elements of the stand, and about the programme of the presentation areas was displayed with ‘augmented reality’ method.
Visual identity
A visual identity was created for the stand, which was included in the publication of the Hungarian pavilion, and made sure the exhibitors were presented with a unified design. Screens built into the huge blocks on both sides of the stand greeted visitors with an animation that also fit well into this image.

Bright colours were used for the spaces with various functions to help visitors find their way on the 300+ sqm stand, while light wooden surfaces, creating a cosy atmosphere, were also prominent.
project info: 
name: Hungarian Pavilion
event: Bett Show 2018
design agency: WYN.DESIGN (former MOBILSOFA Studio) & CREACITY
production company: MOBILSOFA
location: London, UK
completion: January 24-27, 2018

design concept: Tamás Boldizsár, Orsolya Horváth, Máté Mohari
design team: Tamás Boldizsár, Zoltán Fehér, Gergő Gelei, Orsolya Horváth, Máté Mohari, Hella Sarnyai
graphic concept: István Szécsényi
graphic design team: István Szécsényi, Zsófia Szaniszló
interactive & digital content development: István Szécsényi, István Tüttő
structure & setting: Gergely Kozma, Máté Mohari
project management: Lili Pammer-Zagroczky, Renáta Vaskó
photo: Tamás Boldizsár
video: Ciaran Jackson

BETTSHOW 2018 Hungarian Pavilion